Are SATA Power Adapters Safe?

Just like any standard cable that carry’s power, SATA to MOLEX power adapters can and will catch fire if left in an inappropriate situation. However, cheaply made(often from china) versions have been known to ignite, due to an internal ark(improper connection between 2 wires). Here’s what you can do to Read more…

“How To” Run A Rig 24/7

There may be a few issues you encounter while attempting to keep your rig hashing 24/7. Here’s the main issues you’ll encounter, and how I’ve personally combated them. Power Outtage Odds are, you’re running your rig as is… Plugged directly into a surge protector, then to your wall. The optimal Read more…

“How To” Start Mining

So, you’ve just learned about crypto mining, and want to try it out… If not, that’s okay. I’m sure you’re here for some other reason(like trying to get your rig to connect and mine, after hours of tinkering with a one-line launch command…). Anywho, let’s talk about what we want your Read more…